Monday, July 7, 2008

[HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR] Breaking News!! Maki's getting married....that was random o.O

Okay here we go....for anyone who HASN'T already heard about this, yup it's true...our fav female H&MC vocalist Maki has been married to Masato Nakamura from the duo band "Dreams Come True" on June 22nd.....aaaand following up to that, Maki will also graduate from HMC at the end of the year T.T.

Now here's a few things I apparantly didn't know.

1) Apparently Maki's full name is Onaga Maki! O.O
2) Masato Nakamura is 50 years old!?
3) Uuuh...Maki likes older guys? o.O

Well okay we have to face it, Maki has made her decision and the rest of the band have been very supportive about it. This of course doesn't mean the end of our beloved HMC....nope, the total opposite!

Thanks to user [b]meer[/b] from HMC's JPM thread for posting about this, the rest of the guys at HMC have decided to hire a new vocalist and auditions will start next year! Good news for those aspiring singers at japan huh? ;) And this doesn't mean the end for Maki just yet, they'll be hard at work on their final single with Maki which will be released during Fall, Maki will try her best and sing with all her might ^^ Good luck to her, and the rest of HMC on their bright and shiny future ahead :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

[Misc.] PV Mania!!

Hellloooooooo minnasan!! ^__^

It's been a really long time since I've updated, I admit heheh. Well my midterm exams were kinda keeping me away from the computer, but right now I have a week left of holidays. So hopefully I'll keep this blog as active as I can!

Right now, lemme just update with all the recently released PVs from our little circle of bands that I usually post about here. (Which I'll add in more bands soon!! I need more variety of artists for my listening pleasure rite? ^^;;)


Yaaay~~ O2 It's finally here! XD Gosh this has to be the best OR PV of all TIME!! ^.^ I really love their samurai outfits! And their fight scene! XD And that dog that Yamato has! XDXD I must say tho..out of all of our samurai boys, Yoh looks best and more fitting as a samurai and the most kakkoi! ^^ And Naoto's short hair is looking good :)

BTW, ORANGE RANGE was the surprise guest performance in MTV Video Music Awards Japan 08!! FINALLY!! Can't wait till they air it locally(I hope they do lol) but either way, congrats to OR!


Next we have H&MC with they're cover song of TM Revolution's HOT LIMIT. ...well it's definitely way different from their older songs...but hey it's catchy! And it's TMR! lol I like the way how they took things from the original PV and brought it back in here ^^ ...creepy...but it's smart of them too lol. And everyone has a new look in this one! Yusuke's new short hair is tooooo short tho (shows how chubby his face is), but Sassy's short hair is just right ^^ Maki's hair was too messy in the PV though...but it looks fun either way, it's good to see her move around rather than her usual stiff self in the previous PVs ^^V To sum it up...great PV and great song! The single is ready to be released soon so get ready for it! I'll include single infos in another update soon :)

UVERworld-Just Break The Limit

Okaaay! So this WAS supposed to be a new single! Double A-side that is, Gekidou/Just Break The Limit! That vid I posted in my earlier updates was meant to be a preview/cm vid for the song! It's a nice mellow-ish vid I can say. And sweet too! ^^ I like how UVER seem very plain and down-to-earth in this PV. The full song seems to flow well too and Taku's vocals are as smooth as ever! =)


yes...Yes....YEs......YES!!!!!! THIS is what we've been waiting for!! The Gekidou PV that has just been released yesterday I think...gosh this is just...well....AWESOME! Total ownage! XD I like how UVER seems to be evolving in their PV's lol. Don't really understand what's going on in the PV tho...but it's great! And UVERworld in SUITS! Classy....but my first impression was...OMG! It's ABS!! XD I saw in the forums that I wasn't the only one who got that reaction lol. And of course the full song rocks! Although I keep mishearing Takuya sing "A GAY" throughout the song ^^;;

Aaand that wraps up our PV Mania! Come back soon for Single and Current News Mania!! Till then, Cya~! ^w^

Saturday, April 26, 2008

[KCB] A Rize PV is OUT!!

Yes! YES!! Finally KCB has officially released their first ever PV! And it's a good one!! The whole band just seems so happy-go-lucky and hyped up! ^^

And the full song is just AWESOME!! At first I wasn't really used to YA-CHA's vocals...but it's actually great! A see a bright future for KCB!

So check it out for yourselves! It's great!Although...I don't really see the purpose of randomly putting those bikini girls suddenly during the guitar solo and that bartender guy at the end lol...but ah whatever.

Oooh oooh and they have a new promo pic and some previews on their official website! BTY, the single's superb...well...from the preview that is lol..check it out! ^^

Monday, April 21, 2008

[UVERworld] "Just Break The Limit" a song for UVERworldxPocari Sweats CM

Yes, apparantly this song is used for a CM song for Pocari Sweats. A youtube user has kindly uploaded the CM...that is....I THINK it's the CM...can't be the actual PV rite? Either way, it's really interesting and I like the whole concept and stuff lol....go ahead and check it out! ^^

Sunday, April 20, 2008

[UVERworld] Just Break The Limit-ANOTHER SONG!??

Yup! It's another song!!I think i'm still behind when it comes to UVERnews because I know most UVERfans already know of this song...but the question IS! We already have is it a Double A-side? Is Just Break The Limit a b-side?? Or will this follow ORANGE RANGE's O2-Shiawase Neiro case and end up not being in the single at all?? I wonder....

Either way, here's a youtube clip of it...seriously I like this better compared to Gekidou! Takuya's voice flows nicer here ^^. Enjoy!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

[Single Releases] "O2" and "A RIZE" single information!!

Yup yup, I'm back with more info!!

First off, ORANGE RANGE have finally confirmed in their OHP the tracklist...AND covers for their upcoming single, [O2]

ORANGE RANGE new single [O2]

M1: O2
M2: 春事案 (HARUJION)
M3:(仮)世界ワールドウチナーンチュ奇行 (SEKAIWorld Uchinaanchu Kikou) DJ TASAKA 

Meanwhile, on KCB's OHP they've confirmed the CD Jacket as well!! ^^

Lol in my opinion, both are really interesting and cute looking covers!! ^^ Great, great!! I'm guessing soon they'll be releasing the PVs right?

Oooh about OR's single...*sigh* sadly no Shiawase Neiro or Sunny Stripe in the tracklist...instead it's these two totally new b-sides! Hmm...soo...I'm guessing they'll add in the other songs for their next album?? It's strange........>.>

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

[ORANGE RANGE] TV-size of O2 and Shiawase Neiro finally OUT!!

Yup! Since Code Geass is now airing, it means that we now have TV-sizes of both O2 and Shiawase Neiro!!

Here, you can watch both the OP and the ED themes! ^^ enjoy!

Wow, the songs really suit the videos. O2 is as great as ever! But whoa...I didn't expect Shiawase Neiro to be like that! But it's a sweet song...I love it! <3

And hey, check out some of the CMs OR did for Code Geass...funny stuff! Naoto rules!! XD

Those are CMs 1 to 3...there's a total of 5 CMs!! ^^

Well, I'll be back with more news on the O2 single. Till then, cyaz!! ^^

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