[KCB] A Rize PV is OUT!!
Yes! YES!! Finally KCB has officially released their first ever PV! And it's a good one!! The whole band just seems so happy-go-lucky and hyped up! ^^
And the full song is just AWESOME!! At first I wasn't really used to YA-CHA's vocals...but it's actually great! A see a bright future for KCB!
So check it out for yourselves! It's great!Although...I don't really see the purpose of randomly putting those bikini girls suddenly during the guitar solo and that bartender guy at the end lol...but ah whatever.
Oooh oooh and they have a new promo pic and some previews on their official website! BTY, the single's b-side...is superb...well...from the preview that is lol..check it out! ^^