Saturday, April 26, 2008

[KCB] A Rize PV is OUT!!

Yes! YES!! Finally KCB has officially released their first ever PV! And it's a good one!! The whole band just seems so happy-go-lucky and hyped up! ^^

And the full song is just AWESOME!! At first I wasn't really used to YA-CHA's vocals...but it's actually great! A see a bright future for KCB!

So check it out for yourselves! It's great!Although...I don't really see the purpose of randomly putting those bikini girls suddenly during the guitar solo and that bartender guy at the end lol...but ah whatever.

Oooh oooh and they have a new promo pic and some previews on their official website! BTY, the single's superb...well...from the preview that is lol..check it out! ^^

Monday, April 21, 2008

[UVERworld] "Just Break The Limit" a song for UVERworldxPocari Sweats CM

Yes, apparantly this song is used for a CM song for Pocari Sweats. A youtube user has kindly uploaded the CM...that is....I THINK it's the CM...can't be the actual PV rite? Either way, it's really interesting and I like the whole concept and stuff lol....go ahead and check it out! ^^

Sunday, April 20, 2008

[UVERworld] Just Break The Limit-ANOTHER SONG!??

Yup! It's another song!!I think i'm still behind when it comes to UVERnews because I know most UVERfans already know of this song...but the question IS! We already have is it a Double A-side? Is Just Break The Limit a b-side?? Or will this follow ORANGE RANGE's O2-Shiawase Neiro case and end up not being in the single at all?? I wonder....

Either way, here's a youtube clip of it...seriously I like this better compared to Gekidou! Takuya's voice flows nicer here ^^. Enjoy!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

[Single Releases] "O2" and "A RIZE" single information!!

Yup yup, I'm back with more info!!

First off, ORANGE RANGE have finally confirmed in their OHP the tracklist...AND covers for their upcoming single, [O2]

ORANGE RANGE new single [O2]

M1: O2
M2: 春事案 (HARUJION)
M3:(仮)世界ワールドウチナーンチュ奇行 (SEKAIWorld Uchinaanchu Kikou) DJ TASAKA 

Meanwhile, on KCB's OHP they've confirmed the CD Jacket as well!! ^^

Lol in my opinion, both are really interesting and cute looking covers!! ^^ Great, great!! I'm guessing soon they'll be releasing the PVs right?

Oooh about OR's single...*sigh* sadly no Shiawase Neiro or Sunny Stripe in the tracklist...instead it's these two totally new b-sides! Hmm...soo...I'm guessing they'll add in the other songs for their next album?? It's strange........>.>

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

[ORANGE RANGE] TV-size of O2 and Shiawase Neiro finally OUT!!

Yup! Since Code Geass is now airing, it means that we now have TV-sizes of both O2 and Shiawase Neiro!!

Here, you can watch both the OP and the ED themes! ^^ enjoy!

Wow, the songs really suit the videos. O2 is as great as ever! But whoa...I didn't expect Shiawase Neiro to be like that! But it's a sweet song...I love it! <3

And hey, check out some of the CMs OR did for Code Geass...funny stuff! Naoto rules!! XD

Those are CMs 1 to 3...there's a total of 5 CMs!! ^^

Well, I'll be back with more news on the O2 single. Till then, cyaz!! ^^

Friday, April 4, 2008

[UVERworld] Full version of Gekidou on youtube?

YES!! It's another post, lol. Well credit to yet another JPM member, Christi(isn't Jpopmusic Forums great? ^.^), turns out someone uploaded a full version of UVERworld's "Gekidou". Not too sure if this is ACTUALLY the full version...still around 3 mins...some people say it's a radio rip or whatever, so we'll just have to find out once the PV is released or something.

But aside from that, I have to admit that the song's starting to grow on me. I'm sure after a few more listens I'll start to love it lol.

K then, more info as it comes, till then cya!

[Misc.] UPDATE on "O2" and "A RIZE" single information!

Hey hey I'm back with more info!

Credit to JPM member Martzb once again for sharing this info with us.

Now according to, ORANGE RANGE's single, O2 will have a total of 3 tracks on it. The two b-sides haven't been named yet...hmm since they made it clear that Shiawase Neiro wouldn't be in the single...maybe Sunny Stripe will one of those b-sides perhaps??


Now for KCB's debut single, A RIZE, the full tracklist has been updated!! Also, the first pressing includes a KCB logo sticker!! Oooh JOY!!

3.A RIZE (Instrumental)


So QUICK!! Grab them fast and support OR and KCB!! ^.^V

Thursday, April 3, 2008

[Misc.] Singles up for Preordering at CDJapan! Get 'em while they're hot!!

Yup yup, I'm here with a rather...well random post...but still it's important!

For all ORANGE RANGE fans out there, they're new single O2 is ready to be pre-ordered at CDJapan!

Preorder O2@CDJapan

Funnily enough, the ending song for the Code Geass anime, Shiawase Neiro, isn't included in the single. Most likely it might be included in ORs upcoming album...kinda weird tho o.O;;

And also, KCB's debut single, A Rize is also available for preordering at CDJapan!! Yup yup, let's get our first taste of KCB goodness!! ^^

Preorder A RIZE@CDJapan

Yup so there you have it! Quick, quick go order before it's too late!! XD

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

[UVERworld] New song serves as OP theme for D Gray Man

Okaaay I'm a little behind when it comes to UVERnews...but so far there has been many rumors going around about song titles and whatnot, what's confirmed though, is this new song Gekidou as the new OP for the anime D Gray-man...hmm everyone's been doing anime themes lately huh? XD

Anyway here's the vid for it along with the ending song...not too sure who sings it but it's nice too! ^^

Too me, the song sounds kinda messy and the flow of it isn't as nice always, we'll have to listen to the full song for a better opinion right? ^^;;

[KCB] Katchan@Ryon*Ryon Radio

Oooh listen! Listen everyone! Apparantly Katchan was a guest on the Ryon*Ryon Radio show. Lol it's been a long time since we've heard his voice huh?

Click that link to listen!! I'm guessing the rest of the KCB members will also make their appearance on the show soon. Oooh can't wait!

According to my friend, Katchan kept saying he was hungry (If you listen carefully you can even hear is stomach growling a few times XD)

lol stay tuned for any translations later on, till then cya!

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