Monday, July 7, 2008

[HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR] Breaking News!! Maki's getting married....that was random o.O

Okay here we go....for anyone who HASN'T already heard about this, yup it's true...our fav female H&MC vocalist Maki has been married to Masato Nakamura from the duo band "Dreams Come True" on June 22nd.....aaaand following up to that, Maki will also graduate from HMC at the end of the year T.T.

Now here's a few things I apparantly didn't know.

1) Apparently Maki's full name is Onaga Maki! O.O
2) Masato Nakamura is 50 years old!?
3) Uuuh...Maki likes older guys? o.O

Well okay we have to face it, Maki has made her decision and the rest of the band have been very supportive about it. This of course doesn't mean the end of our beloved HMC....nope, the total opposite!

Thanks to user [b]meer[/b] from HMC's JPM thread for posting about this, the rest of the guys at HMC have decided to hire a new vocalist and auditions will start next year! Good news for those aspiring singers at japan huh? ;) And this doesn't mean the end for Maki just yet, they'll be hard at work on their final single with Maki which will be released during Fall, Maki will try her best and sing with all her might ^^ Good luck to her, and the rest of HMC on their bright and shiny future ahead :)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

[Misc.] PV Mania!!

Hellloooooooo minnasan!! ^__^

It's been a really long time since I've updated, I admit heheh. Well my midterm exams were kinda keeping me away from the computer, but right now I have a week left of holidays. So hopefully I'll keep this blog as active as I can!

Right now, lemme just update with all the recently released PVs from our little circle of bands that I usually post about here. (Which I'll add in more bands soon!! I need more variety of artists for my listening pleasure rite? ^^;;)


Yaaay~~ O2 It's finally here! XD Gosh this has to be the best OR PV of all TIME!! ^.^ I really love their samurai outfits! And their fight scene! XD And that dog that Yamato has! XDXD I must say tho..out of all of our samurai boys, Yoh looks best and more fitting as a samurai and the most kakkoi! ^^ And Naoto's short hair is looking good :)

BTW, ORANGE RANGE was the surprise guest performance in MTV Video Music Awards Japan 08!! FINALLY!! Can't wait till they air it locally(I hope they do lol) but either way, congrats to OR!


Next we have H&MC with they're cover song of TM Revolution's HOT LIMIT. ...well it's definitely way different from their older songs...but hey it's catchy! And it's TMR! lol I like the way how they took things from the original PV and brought it back in here ^^ ...creepy...but it's smart of them too lol. And everyone has a new look in this one! Yusuke's new short hair is tooooo short tho (shows how chubby his face is), but Sassy's short hair is just right ^^ Maki's hair was too messy in the PV though...but it looks fun either way, it's good to see her move around rather than her usual stiff self in the previous PVs ^^V To sum it up...great PV and great song! The single is ready to be released soon so get ready for it! I'll include single infos in another update soon :)

UVERworld-Just Break The Limit

Okaaay! So this WAS supposed to be a new single! Double A-side that is, Gekidou/Just Break The Limit! That vid I posted in my earlier updates was meant to be a preview/cm vid for the song! It's a nice mellow-ish vid I can say. And sweet too! ^^ I like how UVER seem very plain and down-to-earth in this PV. The full song seems to flow well too and Taku's vocals are as smooth as ever! =)


yes...Yes....YEs......YES!!!!!! THIS is what we've been waiting for!! The Gekidou PV that has just been released yesterday I think...gosh this is just...well....AWESOME! Total ownage! XD I like how UVER seems to be evolving in their PV's lol. Don't really understand what's going on in the PV tho...but it's great! And UVERworld in SUITS! Classy....but my first impression was...OMG! It's ABS!! XD I saw in the forums that I wasn't the only one who got that reaction lol. And of course the full song rocks! Although I keep mishearing Takuya sing "A GAY" throughout the song ^^;;

Aaand that wraps up our PV Mania! Come back soon for Single and Current News Mania!! Till then, Cya~! ^w^

Saturday, April 26, 2008

[KCB] A Rize PV is OUT!!

Yes! YES!! Finally KCB has officially released their first ever PV! And it's a good one!! The whole band just seems so happy-go-lucky and hyped up! ^^

And the full song is just AWESOME!! At first I wasn't really used to YA-CHA's vocals...but it's actually great! A see a bright future for KCB!

So check it out for yourselves! It's great!Although...I don't really see the purpose of randomly putting those bikini girls suddenly during the guitar solo and that bartender guy at the end lol...but ah whatever.

Oooh oooh and they have a new promo pic and some previews on their official website! BTY, the single's superb...well...from the preview that is lol..check it out! ^^

Monday, April 21, 2008

[UVERworld] "Just Break The Limit" a song for UVERworldxPocari Sweats CM

Yes, apparantly this song is used for a CM song for Pocari Sweats. A youtube user has kindly uploaded the CM...that is....I THINK it's the CM...can't be the actual PV rite? Either way, it's really interesting and I like the whole concept and stuff lol....go ahead and check it out! ^^

Sunday, April 20, 2008

[UVERworld] Just Break The Limit-ANOTHER SONG!??

Yup! It's another song!!I think i'm still behind when it comes to UVERnews because I know most UVERfans already know of this song...but the question IS! We already have is it a Double A-side? Is Just Break The Limit a b-side?? Or will this follow ORANGE RANGE's O2-Shiawase Neiro case and end up not being in the single at all?? I wonder....

Either way, here's a youtube clip of it...seriously I like this better compared to Gekidou! Takuya's voice flows nicer here ^^. Enjoy!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

[Single Releases] "O2" and "A RIZE" single information!!

Yup yup, I'm back with more info!!

First off, ORANGE RANGE have finally confirmed in their OHP the tracklist...AND covers for their upcoming single, [O2]

ORANGE RANGE new single [O2]

M1: O2
M2: 春事案 (HARUJION)
M3:(仮)世界ワールドウチナーンチュ奇行 (SEKAIWorld Uchinaanchu Kikou) DJ TASAKA 

Meanwhile, on KCB's OHP they've confirmed the CD Jacket as well!! ^^

Lol in my opinion, both are really interesting and cute looking covers!! ^^ Great, great!! I'm guessing soon they'll be releasing the PVs right?

Oooh about OR's single...*sigh* sadly no Shiawase Neiro or Sunny Stripe in the tracklist...instead it's these two totally new b-sides! Hmm...soo...I'm guessing they'll add in the other songs for their next album?? It's strange........>.>

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

[ORANGE RANGE] TV-size of O2 and Shiawase Neiro finally OUT!!

Yup! Since Code Geass is now airing, it means that we now have TV-sizes of both O2 and Shiawase Neiro!!

Here, you can watch both the OP and the ED themes! ^^ enjoy!

Wow, the songs really suit the videos. O2 is as great as ever! But whoa...I didn't expect Shiawase Neiro to be like that! But it's a sweet song...I love it! <3

And hey, check out some of the CMs OR did for Code Geass...funny stuff! Naoto rules!! XD

Those are CMs 1 to 3...there's a total of 5 CMs!! ^^

Well, I'll be back with more news on the O2 single. Till then, cyaz!! ^^

Friday, April 4, 2008

[UVERworld] Full version of Gekidou on youtube?

YES!! It's another post, lol. Well credit to yet another JPM member, Christi(isn't Jpopmusic Forums great? ^.^), turns out someone uploaded a full version of UVERworld's "Gekidou". Not too sure if this is ACTUALLY the full version...still around 3 mins...some people say it's a radio rip or whatever, so we'll just have to find out once the PV is released or something.

But aside from that, I have to admit that the song's starting to grow on me. I'm sure after a few more listens I'll start to love it lol.

K then, more info as it comes, till then cya!

[Misc.] UPDATE on "O2" and "A RIZE" single information!

Hey hey I'm back with more info!

Credit to JPM member Martzb once again for sharing this info with us.

Now according to, ORANGE RANGE's single, O2 will have a total of 3 tracks on it. The two b-sides haven't been named yet...hmm since they made it clear that Shiawase Neiro wouldn't be in the single...maybe Sunny Stripe will one of those b-sides perhaps??


Now for KCB's debut single, A RIZE, the full tracklist has been updated!! Also, the first pressing includes a KCB logo sticker!! Oooh JOY!!

3.A RIZE (Instrumental)


So QUICK!! Grab them fast and support OR and KCB!! ^.^V

Thursday, April 3, 2008

[Misc.] Singles up for Preordering at CDJapan! Get 'em while they're hot!!

Yup yup, I'm here with a rather...well random post...but still it's important!

For all ORANGE RANGE fans out there, they're new single O2 is ready to be pre-ordered at CDJapan!

Preorder O2@CDJapan

Funnily enough, the ending song for the Code Geass anime, Shiawase Neiro, isn't included in the single. Most likely it might be included in ORs upcoming album...kinda weird tho o.O;;

And also, KCB's debut single, A Rize is also available for preordering at CDJapan!! Yup yup, let's get our first taste of KCB goodness!! ^^

Preorder A RIZE@CDJapan

Yup so there you have it! Quick, quick go order before it's too late!! XD

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

[UVERworld] New song serves as OP theme for D Gray Man

Okaaay I'm a little behind when it comes to UVERnews...but so far there has been many rumors going around about song titles and whatnot, what's confirmed though, is this new song Gekidou as the new OP for the anime D Gray-man...hmm everyone's been doing anime themes lately huh? XD

Anyway here's the vid for it along with the ending song...not too sure who sings it but it's nice too! ^^

Too me, the song sounds kinda messy and the flow of it isn't as nice always, we'll have to listen to the full song for a better opinion right? ^^;;

[KCB] Katchan@Ryon*Ryon Radio

Oooh listen! Listen everyone! Apparantly Katchan was a guest on the Ryon*Ryon Radio show. Lol it's been a long time since we've heard his voice huh?

Click that link to listen!! I'm guessing the rest of the KCB members will also make their appearance on the show soon. Oooh can't wait!

According to my friend, Katchan kept saying he was hungry (If you listen carefully you can even hear is stomach growling a few times XD)

lol stay tuned for any translations later on, till then cya!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

[ORANGE RANGE] O2 Preview is OUT!!

For those who want to take a sneak peak of how OR's new song, O2 sounds like, check this out!!

So far, Shiawase Neiro and Sunny Stripe hasn't been heard...but I can tell you I'm positive these two will be happy rock songs! :)

About I'm really laughing at the fact that some non-OR listeners have been asking if there's a girl member in OR...sorry, No, that ain't a's Yamato!! XD Hmm if their doing any TV performance for this, I hope Yama cuts his hair or ties it up...if not ppl will be saying "OMG that girl has a hairy face!!" lol

Other than that, Hiroki's part in the song absolutely rocks! I love his voice!!! ^o^ Yama's scream in the song is great as well!!! Woo hoo! Really psyched for a full version of this song!! <3

[KCB] Release Date of their debut single [A RIZE] now confirmed!!

© KCB Blog 2008

Okay it's been CONFIRMED, at KCB's ohp they've officially announced the release date for their debut single [A RIZE].

21st May 2008 shall be the release date!! ( errgh yeah kinda late, I know...but I guess they need the time to fit in YA-CHA's vocals right?)

More info will be up soon, so stay tuned!! ;)

Friday, March 21, 2008

[ORANGE RANGE] Not one...not two..but THREE NEW SONGS FOR APRIL!! ^o^

Yeeesh!! You've heard it right! Adding to the two now confirmed theme's for the anime Code Geasse R2, OR has added yet one more upcoming cm song titled [Sunny Stripe] for a baseball event of some sort. Yes yes, it's been confirmed as well at their homepage (which has been re-linked since OR has changed their domain name under spicemusic)

So, now the question is...will it be in the form of a single, album...or what? More updates coming soon...i dunno, in my opinion it might be an album...but we won't know till it's been confirmed so....till then!

Also, soon I'll finish up my review on UVERworld's PROGLUTION album together with HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR's newly released album, ROCK PIT...which...I must say...simply...ROCKS!!! I looooove it!!! =^.^=

Monday, March 10, 2008

[ORANGE RANGE] To Perform OP/ED Themes for an Anime!! FINALLY!

Yes you've read it right! OR will finally be doing yet another theme for an anime. Well, it isn't officially announced on their website yet. But several sources confirm it.

Here's automaticly translated text from google;

"Mainichi Broadcasting from April 6 will be broadcast on TBS TV cartoon series "treason KODOGIASU R2 Lelouch's" opening and ending themes, ORANGE RANGE new song is used.

The cartoon was broadcast in 2006-2007 by the "treason KODOGIASU Lelouch's" sequel. Night broadcast of the series made popular by the series now in the evening from 5:00 to broadcast.

ORANGE RANGE opening theme is "Au to two to 02", the theme of ending "SHIAWASENEIRO," two songs provide a new song. Currently two songs and has not yet been released. First, Let's check on the air."

lol to sum it up, OR will be doing the opening and ending themes to the anime, Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch R2. The opening's titled 02 ~O Two~ (02~オー・ツー~) and the ending is titled Shiawase Neiro (シアワセネイロ). Credits go to JPM user Martzb and all the other lovely JPM people from the OR Thread! XD

For a little sneak peek...although I'm not sure which song this's supposed to be, well take a look at this anyway;

Lol from what I'm hearing...all I can hear is Yamato lol. And i bet whoever listens to this and isn't an OR fan would think it was a girl singing lol. Doesn't have that whole OR style though...too generically anime-styled...but can't say much till we have the full song now can we? Will update soon with more news. Till then, cyaz! ^^

Sunday, March 9, 2008

[ORANGE RANGE] Kimi Station Full Single Review

Yo! lol as promised, here I am with a review of OR's latest single "Kimi Station"! Yeah...I know I still have to finish up that PROGLUTION review buuut, well procrastination is my specialty so bare with me here.

Track 1-Kimi Station

Aaah, here we are with the main track, kimi station. It's a sweet ballad with slightly emo lyrics. I was actually expecting (and wishing) it'd be a rockish ballad...but I suspected as much, they went with the whole violin orchestra background, emotional ballad. It's really nice though. One major part is Yamato's voice in the beginning, it's very smooth and lower than usual, he managed to pull it off perfectly. Ryo's solo was kinda weird and out of the box, but I guess he had to do it that way to balance of everything else. Hiroki's solo was great as usual. Another good thing I love is during the chorus, you can feel the emotion from all 3 vocalist's as they sing together...very...VERY NICE!! ^_^ My fav part the most is actually that soft lalala part towards the end, if you don't get what I'm saying, watch the PV, the part where all three of them meet up and start running together towards Naoto...very touching indeed!! ^^ lol and Yoh driving up in his van is priceless!! XD XD Altogether, I love this song! ^_^

Track 2-powder beats

Okaay honestly at first I actually thought I was listening to lalala by accident...the intro of this song is really toned down and acoustic which makes you think this's gonna be some sort of ballad lol...and Ryo's nasally whiny pitched voice ain't helping lol....then it comes to a pause...AND YOU HEAR THE GUITARS AND DRUMS AND BASS!! lol yep it turns into a punkish rock song with Hiroki coming in with his punk voice lol and Yama following up with the bridge then the chorus! lol I love this song cuz it's so hyper! And it just keeps building up and up and up! It's a really peppy motivating song and gives me this...well looking forward to kind of mood. I don't really know why some people hate this song, I love it so much! lol...sad thing is that it ends to fast :(

Track 3-

lol I'm laughing right now cuz the intro to this song actually begins with sounds of someone typing on a keyboard and clicking...which actually kind of harmonizes with my typing right now XD

k then we start of with OR singing lalalalala bla bla the chorus. It's a very enjoyable laid back song in my opinion. But again with Ryo trying to make his voice all nasally lol. I have a strong feeling that Naoto's singing along with them in the chorus though....but that could just be Ryo in his nasal voice lol. A funny point in this is the end of Yama's solo where he just starts singing gibberish XD. The great thing about this song I think is that the chorus is so fun to sing and clap along to lol, it's really enjoyable. lol and towards the end you hear Hiroki's solo with the heavy rock guitars in the background it's really nice though....but then...the song just ends right there after his solo...seriously, it just stops there. O.O leaving me blanked faced...well it was enjoyable while it lasted atleast >.<

Overall, I think the whole single is GREAT! It seriously deserves a higher ranking in the oricon charts!! SERIOUSLY!! It's a great great single, OR deserve better! >.< Well all the best to them, I know this single is attracting lots of OR newbies, c'mon OR boys you can do it!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

[KCB] Introducing 5th Member!

Okaaaay it's finally revealed! The fifth member of KCB!!!!

A second vocalist, YA-CHA! Who's only 21 years old...whoa so we have Katchan,Tsukasa and Jaehee (25), Daiki (20) and now YA-CHA (21) interesting age range lol. Well hmm...about this new vocalist, well can't say much about him since i haven't heard his voice. In my opinion lol his hair kinda reminds me of katchan's when he was slightly younger...(maybe because of the colour lol)

Now here's an entry on the Members Profile portion translated by google so it isn't that great...>.<

Live TV during elementary school and see the true story of a band. 14-year-old from Hawaii to study.
Return and then applied for a band audition in an effort to meet members of KCB is出ずresults.
A few months later, by chance, reunited with staff in a session that was called triggered a member to join.

Hmm oookaaay so that means he got in through an audition for the band then? lol, k then more updates coming soon...most likely a review of ORANGE RANGE's Kimi Station single which I LOVE!! <3

Till then cya

Saturday, March 1, 2008

[KCB] The suspense is killing meee!! >.<

Haha yaay~~ two posts in a row!! lol I think my KCB (or lets just say Katchan) fandom is increasing by the second! Well, now I went over to have a look at KCB's Website yet again. And oh my look what happened to their top page!!

Those four little black thingies that pop out once the page loads just made a new friend! Lol a little grinning figure joins the group...err so that's supposed to represent their new member? What's even worse is the top picture now shows a silhouette of the now FIVE members of KCB...gaaah way to bring on the suspense huh Katchan? >.<

Another bad thing is....WHAT happened to the [The Rize] preview and PV????? T_T I'm hoping there's a full version coming out or something...I CAN'T WAAAAIT!! X_X

*sigh* Either way, patients is a virtue, right? So I'll be checking the site daily from now on to see what's happening. I suggest you guys out there should have a look too so that we all can wonder together in anticipation about the new member...hah or maybe I'm overreacting a little here XD Still, Ganbatte Katchan! Ganbatte new guy in KCB and GANBATTE KCB!! I know you guys can do it!! V^.^V

[KCB] Announcement! New members!!

Heya everyone!! ^^

Well I had a real shock when I visited KCB's blog and well there's three reasons why I got a shock

1) Turns out now, KCB stands for Kick Chop Busters...ergh...Katchaaan are you trying to copy OR with the whole 5 Busters thing...c'mon I know you! You're waay more creative than that!!! >.<
2) They've made an announcement! A fifth member will be added to KCB!!! Err so more emphasis on the Five Busters thing?? o.O?? More info will be added on soon.
3) And finally!!! Katchan finally blogged!! lol at first i thought it was the staff's blog...but NO! It was Katchan blogging! Yay :3

So well I'll get back when more info is out. Wonder who will be the new member...another guitarist perhaps??

Monday, February 25, 2008


Okay this hasn't really been confirmed on their official website or anything, but I found out about this threw HandMC's thread in JPM and the INSOMNIA forums. It says their brand new 4th Album entitled [ROCK PIT] will be released on March 19.

Here's a few CD sites that've posted up about it
CD Universe

Funny though, according to CD Universe it says it releases March 25 still not too sure what's the exact release date.

But the good news is, we get more heavy rock songs from HandMC!! Well...I hope lol... the title kinda gives off a big hint doesn't it?

Still I have a feeling it might bring the sales for their single, FLASHBACK/Komorebi no Uta down >.<. Especially since Komorebi no Uta doesn't even have a PV!! >.<##

Well, that's it for now, I'll be back with more info on the album later on. Cyaz ^.^V

Saturday, February 23, 2008

[KCB] A Rize(preview version) Fan-made Lyrics

Hi again...yeah yeah I should be continuing the PROGLUTION review, but I'll do that some other time cuz I'm feelin kinda lazy right now ^^;;

So for today, me and a friend (Aine) have been listening to KCB's [A Rize] over and over again and we've managed to put together these lyrics. They might not be accurate or make sense cuz we only listened to the words by ear, and the vocalist Jaehee's korean accent is kinda still thick so the pronunciation might be still off. Anywho, here we go!

KCB [A Rize] (Short-preview version)

teishokyuu chyou sho kokoro wa [whooah whooah]
chansuu wo[ wake up] tera tsumaino
chi sarayume* nigiri hibe [whooah whooah]

iete kuru darou [face up the stage ride a wave ] (
That english part might be wrong..not sure)
shioke zereta tsuku tsutei [i know where to go] kiga shita
kana ita ii yume ku tewo urasu rojiura
Kinou e made no ii kami eiga o ni kaete
atarashii jibun wo mitsu ga deshita kunde
Sekami kure at your will [yeah yeah yeah]

the chi sarayume part, after listening to it a few times I have a feeling it might be chiisana yume....again, still not too sure ^^;;

Saturday, February 16, 2008

[ORANGE RANGE] New site layout+previews for kimi station's b-sides

Hey hey, back here for another update! Thanks to the good people over at JPM Forums who pointed this out. Turns out has updated their layout!!

So if you head over there you'll be greeted by the wonderful sound of kimi station! Not only that, previews of the two b-sides of the kimi station single, Powder Beats and

Go check em out k?? In my opinion I really REALLY like Powder Beats. Very fast-paced and hyper!! As for
(仮)ラララ, it's slightly more toned down, but very catchy!! I really can't wait for the single to come out ^^. Hope ORs rankings go up for this one. ;)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

[KCB] New Music Up!!


Yeah, sorry to interrupt my PROGLUTION review, but this's important news!!

For all those Katchan fans (more like fangirls lol), I'm guessing you guys have heard of his new band KCB. Well just a reminder to everyone, remember to check their official website DAILY! They always update their blog with good stuff!

And this time, they've added a short preview together with a PV, of their new single [A RIZE] which is most likely to be released around spring 2008. Check it out! ;)

KCB Official Website

A Rize PV

In my opinion, the song's pretty catchy! It's really upbeat and stuff. Not a big fan of JAEHEE's vocals but I guess it'll need a little time to get used to. Lol I have a feeling Katchan did a little bit of support vocals in this one (if you notice in the PV, he's been given a mic with his drums) lol I hardly see him having a mic when he was back with OR...*sigh* still miss the good ol days when Katchan was in ORANGE RANGE >.<>

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Okay I know it's kinda late, since this album was released in December after all. But I love it so much! I've always wanted to do a full blown review on it!! ^o^ So here it goes!!

1st Track~ Roots
Aha...we kick off the first track with Takuya's strong voice screaming out the lyrics (well I consider that screaming cuz it gave me a shock the first time I heard the song XD) The beat was catchy...not to mention a great quality PV. I just found Taku's voice a little too screechy...he should learn to control it a little more >.>. My fav part from this song was around the middle i think...not sure how to explain the part, well around 2.12 in the song...the whole rap part XD. To sum it all up, it's a great fast-paced song to start off the album with, listening to it makes me wanna think all positive and stuff XD.

2nd Track~Brand new ancient
hmm and here we have the second song, brand new kinda oxymoron-ish title huh? One think i liked about this song was the starting...then it kicked off to a yet another positive jumpy beat...then Takuya started talk-rapping >.<...kinda ruins the song, the rest of it is nice if Takuya had just dropped that boring talk-rapping!! GAAH!! All I have to say is that they managed to maintain that happy happy positive mood in this song ^.^

3rd Track~Ukiyo CROSSING
Yaay~~ Ukiyo CROSSING! Again UVERworld has still maintained the positive note! ^_^ To me this song's kinda cute lol, with lyrics like 'knock knock knock myself' and 'a-lo-lo-lone' XD. I kinda love/hated the PV a little, it reminded me of SHAMROCK...well the song itself does have that whole SHAMROCK feel to it lol. I kinda like how Takuya's voice flowed with the song, still a bit screechy, but not as bad as Roots XD. The lyrics I guess are kinda meaningful, "We're on a crossing to choose", we all have to choose our own paths in life and stuff like that...I'm guessing that's what the song's about...XD haven't read the translations yet. Overall love this song, it's a fun song to dance/jump around happily along to ^^

4th Track~Byouteki Kikyuu Nikki
Tragically!! lol no, I'm not saying that the song's tragic XD. Somehow I always think that Takuya's singing "tragic peace" instead of "tragically" lol. Well i guess from this song, the happy beat kinda drops a notch and it slows down a little...just a teensy little bit. I guess by now, everyone's gotten warmed up to the album, so we take it slow for awhile lol. But still, not too into this song, sounds too typical UVER to meh, nothing new here.

5th Track~counting song-H

XD I love the beginning of this song!!! Taku's voice is awesome!! At the beginning, you think UVER has sunk lower in their happy beat level....but then BAM!! It speeds up slightly....and when you come to the chorus....the happy level peaks up again!!! BWAHAHA! I love songs like this!!!! ^_^ One of my favs from this album definately! Not only Taku's voice...but the music! The drums,bass and GUITARS!! I like how everything just comes together with Takuya's voice!! And I really really love the drumming parts at 1.41 of the song! My advice is to listen to it with headphones rocks!!! ^o^V XD You can tell with the amount of exclamation marks and emoticons that i'm hyper now and really really love this song huh? :P

6th Track~Shaka Beach~Laka laka la~(album ver.)
Aaaand we drop again for awhile, with Taku singing "lonely, lonely..." XD sorry if this is a little biased, but somehow I got kinda bored of this song...and the so-called 'album version' of this ain't helping. Still you can hear the happiness beat in the chorus peak up again, but still meh, I'm personally just bored of this song and usually skip it XD, no offense to those who love the song though...hmm fav parts...well wen Taku says "laka laka love" sounds kinda cute lol...and of course that acoustic guitar switch to electric guitar part rocks. :)

MWAHAHA MY FAV SOOONG!!! From happy happy...UVER totally switches the mood to HEAVY ROCK!!! With those amazing guitar riffs, heavy bass, fast paced drumming...and Takuya singing "CATS CATS CATS!!" XD I dunno I remembered reading that in the JPM thread for UVERworld..and yea it does kinda sound like he's sayin CATS CATS CATS XD. Lol this is a great song to do some head banging to or if you need a little boost of energy! A truly amazing song!! It should be used for an opening theme for an anime or something lol.

And here's that point where I'm too tired to type ^^;;...well the rest of the songs are probably fillers or something, I'll get to reviewing them in Part 2 of my review!!! Till then, stay tuned ;)

[ORANGE RANGE] Kimi Station

Okay here we go!!

In this post I'll talk about Kimi Station!! OR's new single!!!!

Kimi Station
Release Date: 05.03.08
Tie-ins: Theme for the J-dorama Loss:Time:Life
BUY IT!!: CD Japan

Well I listened to the PV-rip, watched the PV...and I just LOVE it!!! It's a little too dramatic for OR, but I guess they did it that way to fit the drama they were doing the theme for.

If you guys notice once you listen to it, Ryo's part (usually would be the most emotional part) was a little toned down, I guess he suppressed it a little, if not the song would turn too overly-dramatic. Lol you guy's will know what I mean once you give it a listen.

Other than that, I'd have to say Yamato's begining part was sooooo different! I mean, he went more for a mid-range rather than his usual hi-range (hello, yama! You're the hi-vox not mid-vox XD).

Well here it is then, the PV for the great Kimi Station!! XD

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Hm what I like about this PV the most is that there's an actual story going on here (well...sort of lol). Naoto calls up his friends to meet up, but they're all busy, but in the end they come running to him and blah blah's really touching though T_T.

Some funny parts here though, Naoto's exspression when Ryo hangs up on him, Hiroki getting a shock when he ran into that small white and Yoh driving up in the van while everyone's running huffing and puffing XD.

Well enough of me talking, enjoy the PV!! And remember to buy the single! I have a feeling the b-sides, "Powder Beats" and "Lalala" are gonna be two fun songs! ^^

And whoever wants a PV-rip of the song, I have it. Just comment here first and I'll send it to you :)

First Post!!

Hiya everyone!! :)

orangejuice here, and I'd like to welcome y'all to my new blog! Here, I'll be posting up stuff mainly about ORANGE RANGE along with some other bands I like such as HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR, UVERworld and the much awaited KCB! ^o^

Still getting used to blogger here so please bear with me ^^;;. I'll be back with another post once I learn how to use this thing XD

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