Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Okay I know it's kinda late, since this album was released in December after all. But I love it so much! I've always wanted to do a full blown review on it!! ^o^ So here it goes!!

1st Track~ Roots
Aha...we kick off the first track with Takuya's strong voice screaming out the lyrics (well I consider that screaming cuz it gave me a shock the first time I heard the song XD) The beat was catchy...not to mention a great quality PV. I just found Taku's voice a little too screechy...he should learn to control it a little more >.>. My fav part from this song was around the middle i think...not sure how to explain the part, well around 2.12 in the song...the whole rap part XD. To sum it all up, it's a great fast-paced song to start off the album with, listening to it makes me wanna think all positive and stuff XD.

2nd Track~Brand new ancient
hmm and here we have the second song, brand new kinda oxymoron-ish title huh? One think i liked about this song was the starting...then it kicked off to a yet another positive jumpy beat...then Takuya started talk-rapping >.<...kinda ruins the song, the rest of it is nice if Takuya had just dropped that boring talk-rapping!! GAAH!! All I have to say is that they managed to maintain that happy happy positive mood in this song ^.^

3rd Track~Ukiyo CROSSING
Yaay~~ Ukiyo CROSSING! Again UVERworld has still maintained the positive note! ^_^ To me this song's kinda cute lol, with lyrics like 'knock knock knock myself' and 'a-lo-lo-lone' XD. I kinda love/hated the PV a little, it reminded me of SHAMROCK...well the song itself does have that whole SHAMROCK feel to it lol. I kinda like how Takuya's voice flowed with the song, still a bit screechy, but not as bad as Roots XD. The lyrics I guess are kinda meaningful, "We're on a crossing to choose", we all have to choose our own paths in life and stuff like that...I'm guessing that's what the song's about...XD haven't read the translations yet. Overall love this song, it's a fun song to dance/jump around happily along to ^^

4th Track~Byouteki Kikyuu Nikki
Tragically!! lol no, I'm not saying that the song's tragic XD. Somehow I always think that Takuya's singing "tragic peace" instead of "tragically" lol. Well i guess from this song, the happy beat kinda drops a notch and it slows down a little...just a teensy little bit. I guess by now, everyone's gotten warmed up to the album, so we take it slow for awhile lol. But still, not too into this song, sounds too typical UVER to meh, nothing new here.

5th Track~counting song-H

XD I love the beginning of this song!!! Taku's voice is awesome!! At the beginning, you think UVER has sunk lower in their happy beat level....but then BAM!! It speeds up slightly....and when you come to the chorus....the happy level peaks up again!!! BWAHAHA! I love songs like this!!!! ^_^ One of my favs from this album definately! Not only Taku's voice...but the music! The drums,bass and GUITARS!! I like how everything just comes together with Takuya's voice!! And I really really love the drumming parts at 1.41 of the song! My advice is to listen to it with headphones rocks!!! ^o^V XD You can tell with the amount of exclamation marks and emoticons that i'm hyper now and really really love this song huh? :P

6th Track~Shaka Beach~Laka laka la~(album ver.)
Aaaand we drop again for awhile, with Taku singing "lonely, lonely..." XD sorry if this is a little biased, but somehow I got kinda bored of this song...and the so-called 'album version' of this ain't helping. Still you can hear the happiness beat in the chorus peak up again, but still meh, I'm personally just bored of this song and usually skip it XD, no offense to those who love the song though...hmm fav parts...well wen Taku says "laka laka love" sounds kinda cute lol...and of course that acoustic guitar switch to electric guitar part rocks. :)

MWAHAHA MY FAV SOOONG!!! From happy happy...UVER totally switches the mood to HEAVY ROCK!!! With those amazing guitar riffs, heavy bass, fast paced drumming...and Takuya singing "CATS CATS CATS!!" XD I dunno I remembered reading that in the JPM thread for UVERworld..and yea it does kinda sound like he's sayin CATS CATS CATS XD. Lol this is a great song to do some head banging to or if you need a little boost of energy! A truly amazing song!! It should be used for an opening theme for an anime or something lol.

And here's that point where I'm too tired to type ^^;;...well the rest of the songs are probably fillers or something, I'll get to reviewing them in Part 2 of my review!!! Till then, stay tuned ;)


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